International Mother Language Day

The memory of the Bengali people’s language movement has been marked as a memorable day. February 21 has become well known as International Mother Language Day. According to the decision by the United Nations on November 17, 1999, every year February 21st is observed as International Mother Language Day.
This International Mother Language Day is celebrated in 188 countries. The martyrdom of mother tongue on February 11, 1952 in the pages of history has become glorious today for the whole world.
International Mother Language Day
According to the decision by the United Nations, every year February 21st is observed as International Mother Language Day. The Tamal boys of Bengal have poured their blood for this mother tongue in a way that no other country in the world could do, so February 21 is celebrated as the International Mother Language Day.
The term “International Mother Language Day” has a lot of memories associated with the Tamal boys of Bengal. On this day Salam, Rafiq, Jabbar, Shafiur and many others who are not known by name shed their fresh blood to protect the mother tongue. This day is recognized by the United Nations as the International Mother Language Day as only the young men of Bangladesh shed their blood to protect this mother tongue. That is why February 11 has been declared as International Mother Language Day.
history of international mother language day
Can I forget February 21st dyed in my brother’s blood? This sentence reminds us of the martyrs of our language. This day has been immortalized in the pages of history. February 21st is a glorious and historic day. A historic day to establish Bengali language as a national language.
In 1948, Muhammad Ali Jinnah announced Urdu as the state language of Pakistan at the Curzon Hall of Dhaka University, and the students immediately erupted in protest. This protest movement continued till 1952. On February 21, 1952, student mobs violated Article 144 and marched on the streets. Those protesting students were shot like rain in which Salam, Barkat, Rafiq, Jabbar and many others were martyred.
Today the international mother tongue has been established in exchange for their blood. This day is officially observed as International Mother Language Day every year. On this day flowers are offered at the Shaheed Miner to pay respect to the martyrs. According to the decision by the United Nations on November 17, 1999, every year February 21st is observed as International Mother Language Day. This International Mother Language Day is celebrated in 188 countries. The martyrdom of mother tongue on February 11, 1952 in the pages of history has become glorious today for the whole world. That is why the incident of self-sacrifice for the Bengali language has received international recognition today.
When is International Mother Language Day?
Mother Language Day i.e. the language of the mother’s mouth this day is recognized by the United Nations as the International Mother Language Day. International Mother Language Day or Language Martyr’s Day i.e. February 11 is celebrated as our International Mother Language Day. This 21st February has been recognized by the United Nations as the International Mother Language Day.